Thursday, February 12, 2009

Solaris 10 Update 6 x86 version

Well, it's not running fine on my Fujitsu Life Book S2110. The drivers are not there yet. I tested mandriva one. That's one works out of the box. aiiii............

Minor problems VCS Oracle Setup

The past 2 months were particularly busy for me. It is better now. I have sometime to sit down to do some testing again.
2 problems that i faced when i setup the VCS Oracle HA again:
As i installed Oracle on local host. So of the config files are not shared.

1. listener.ora
2. Audit file directory

Problem 1:
To have static registration and listen to virtual host. This is the config that works for me. The one in red are not in the VCS agent guide.

(ORACLE_HOME = /export/home/oracle/10g)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(GLOBAL_DBNAME = murex88)
(ORACLE_HOME = /export/home/oracle/10g)
(SID_NAME = murex88)

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = mxpvip)(PORT = 1521))

Problem 2:
When startup Oracle on the second cluster node, an error comes out:
ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file
SVR4 Error: No such file or directory.

This one is self explanatory. As i installed Oracle on local host and only datafiles are shared, this one need to be manually created. Check the audit_file_dest and created the directory. Problem solved.