Tuesday, December 29, 2015

About public sector services.

I got this figure from India's Cabinet Secretariat for Performance Management. The full report is here.

Around the world, government services are full of bureaucratic processes, many processes and time wasting procedures.

It comes to my surprise that i found this report. We Malaysian like to complain all sort of things under the sun. Yes,  any words that uttered from our mouth about public services, nothing seems to go right. Sometimes i wonder are we Malaysians being educated correctly to just being good in making complaints?

This figure definitely put us in a better perspective in viewing our own public services.
I still remembered  thathow my mat salleh manager from NZ reacted when he knew that my passport can be renewed and collected in half a day, and that was  9 years ago. And as usual there are rooms to improve, i believe we are in right direction. Maybe making lots of complaints help to drive government to perform better,  maybe  :)

Figure 1: Trends in Public Sector Management in Malaysia

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